Saturday, February 11, 2012

2012 Walk For Lupus Now

Hi my cousin LaShawn Perryman is one of riders and asked me to post on your site, I asked him to ask the club for a donation, It would be great if you all would commit to making a donation for this worthy cause. I lost my 22 year old daughter just over a year ago to Lupus and I have been trying very hard since her death to help others with Lupus find a cure.

Thank you in advance. You can click on either link and it will give you all the information.

Pacesetters Member Superman House Fire

Monday morning January 30, 2012 Pacesetters member Superman house caught on fire, the fire started in one location for a bit but moved to the attic. He was in the shower when the fire started his wife banged on the door to saying fire. When he walked out there was just a small amount of smoke. But when they made it to the fire location both Superman and his son was trying to put it out from both sides. But the fire got to hot and climbed the house. His motorcycle is just a frame but strangely the tires made it. Superman had just had just moved to Montgomery a few months ago!!

Superman Family are in need of donations if anyone wishing to help in the way of funds their PayPal link is , kids are 16 his size large shirt and 32 pants. Madison is 2 she is in a size 3t 4t. Hannah is 1yr and in 18 months clothes.

Superman Family are in need of donations if anyone wishing to help in the way of funds their PayPal link is , kids are 16 his size large shirt and 32 pants. Madison is 2 sh is in a size 3t 4t. Hannah is 1yr and in 18 months clothes.

They don't know how long we will be with out a home or belongings the adjusters will be through tomorrow. Their currently at an extended stay hotel.


Lou Gehrig's Disease Charity

As you’ll may know what the Pacesetters MC has been all about since day one doing what we can whenever possible for charity, this is one is real close to home and we're asking for your help!!!!! One of our members in the Mother Chapter Brother-n-Law has often referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of an ALS patient averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis.