Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Walk To Defeat ALS

Thank You Email
This is another year that has rapidly approached. Thank you all for the support from the previous year. Mack passed away last year and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS) aka Lou Gehrig's disease still lingers. This disease is still devastating families at a rapid rate especially our military community. I am asking that we honor my husband and continue the fight by walking this year on May 18th and donating in his honor. I will walk as long as I can because I have a 3 year old son with his daddy's DNA and as long as there is no cure or cause my son is at risk. I am at risk as well. The military community is still being diagnosed every year and we are still exceeding the general public with our numbers. We are more than half the diagnosed cases a year. The Department of the Army and the Veterans Administration released an article in the Retired Soldiers Newsletter this quarter. I know times are tight and any donation and support is welcomed and appreciated. http://webal.alsa.org/site/TR?team_id=239501&pg=team&fr_id=8869&et=cCDN_1ZNm28qxmGhkEyGbA

Thank you,
Yashica Mack widow of Ira Mack